Acquisitions Due Diligence

Our quick and in depth due diligence assessment will provide valuable information on the security maturity posture of the organisation along with budgeting costs for remediation work.

Information security considerations during acquisitions and mergers play an important role whether you are acquiring another organisation, being acquired or merging with another organisation.

Acquisitions and mergers have become the norm for organisations to quickly grow, increase their market presence and boost their revenues. With the benefits, there are also other issues which creep up, particularly during an acquisition or a merger, such as compliance, legal, financial and security issues. It is therefore crucial that these security risks are identified and managed throughout the lifetime of any acquisitions or mergers along with other aspects such as financial or legal considerations.

Security considerations during an acquisition

  • Information security maturity levels and the threat posture of the target organisation and any potential security risks associated.
  • Identification of security aspects which could have an impact on the acquiring organisation post-acquisition such as maintenance of any standards, compliance requirements, cost to maintain existing controls or any reputational issues caused.
  • Understanding current protection mechanisms or resiliencies against cyber threats.
  • Understanding any data protection or privacy concerns in terms of how data is collected stored or processed.
  • Security around the use of products/services from the existing supply chain and third parties.
  • Assessment of best practices around software development and hardware builds.
  • Understanding the ability to respond and act any security incidents.
  • Vulnerabilities which may exist within existing products such as web applications or the infrastructure.

How can we help

  • Perform detailed security assessment on the organisation and provide a detailed view on the security maturity, along with any associated resourcing and budgeting required to elevate the security posture of the organisation to a required level.
  • ERS will provide a detailed report outlining security risks, issues, control maturity, analysis and recommendations.
  • We also offer training and awareness for any internal or external parties (such as Acquisitions & Merger teams) regarding information security considerations during an acquisition.
  • Provide short-term tactical security protection measures and options which include analysis, monitoring and response services to ensure relevant information assets are secure.

For more information please contact us.

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