Infrastructure Penetration Testing

A proactive approach to understanding your infrastructure threats and vulnerabilities will ensure that your sensitive information, your assets, and your reputation remain intact.

The infrastructure penetration testing exercise will include a thorough inspection of your corporate infrastructure components to identify software and configuration based security vulnerabilities.

Our team of experts will attempt to test and evaluate the security effectiveness of the target IT infrastructure by safely trying to exploit vulnerabilities.

Infrastructure Testing Services

The infrastructure can be performed from the following perspetives:

  • Internal testing or from within your organisation (helps assess the security of IT systems/components that are separated from the internet).
  • External or internet-based testing (targetting internet facing web application servers, email servers and other external services)
  • Combination of internal and external perspectives to cover all threat angles.

With an increasing number of cyber attacks and constantly evolving internal and external threat factors, it is recommended that all organisations undertake regular infrastructure penetration testing at least once a year or following significant changes to any systems.

For more information please contact us.

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